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The United States has confirmed the necessity of intensifying sanctions against the Lukashenko regim

Several individuals and entities from Belarus have been targeted by American sanctions

Primarily, these include military-industrial complex enterprises such as the following:

  • the Research and production holding of precision engineering "Planar";

  • OAO "Holding Management Company "GORIZONT";

  • OAO MMZ named after S.I. Vavilov (the management company of BelOMO holding);

  • OAO "Zenit-BelOMO";

  • OAO "Alevkurp";

  • the Scientific and Technical Center "LEMT" BelOMO.

The leaders of these entities, namely Nikolai Gaichuk, Alexander Moroz, and Alexey Shkadarevich, have also been included in the sanctions list.

Additionally, the sanctions list encompasses the Bellesbumprom concern, the management company of the Belarusian Cement Company holding, and the Beltamozhservice Republican Unitary Enterprise, along with General Director Vadim Babarikin.

Furthermore, sanctions have been imposed on certain individuals and their companies associated with Lukashenko's financial interests. These include OOO Tabak-Invest, its director Viktor Petrovich, and owner Pavel Topuzidis, as well as the OAO Management Company of the Amkodor Holding and its owner Alexander Shakutin. Dmitry Shevtsov, the unrecognized head of the Belarusian Red Cross Society, who was involved in the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children, has also been subjected to sanctions.

Despite heightened lobbying efforts to ease sanctions against the Lukashenko regime, the United States has reaffirmed its commitment to exert pressure on those who violate international law. We applaud the decision of the US authorities to expand sanctions, which underscores their clear understanding of the criminal nature of the Lukashenko regime. This regime is responsible for instigating the war against Ukraine, committing war crimes such as the unlawful transfer of Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territories, and perpetrating crimes against humanity in its treatment of the Belarusian people.

This decision, made on the eve of the Belarus-US Strategic Dialogue, sends a significant signal about the United States' choice of dialogue partners—those with whom it is willing to engage as partners and respond to their proposals, including sanctions. Conversely, it treats criminals and aggressors as such, with the only possible response to their ongoing crimes being punishment.

We firmly believe that engaging with the Lukashenko regime must be from a position of strength and through the utilization of appropriate tools to expedite change in the Republic of Belarus. We hope that our European partners will follow the lead of the United States. Furthermore, we aim to convince the United States and the EU, during forthcoming events, of the necessity for complete alignment of economic sanctions against Russia and the Lukashenko regime, as well as the utilization of international mechanisms for criminal accountability.


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