Accountability for Lukashenko and his regime’s crimes, sanctions policy, and justice for Belarusians were key topics of discussion during the Strategic Dialogue "Belarus–U.S.",held on December 3-4 in Vilnius. These issues were highlighted by Pavel Latushka, Deputy Head of the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus and Head of the National Anti-Crisis Management, during the third session of the Strategic Dialogue on mechanisms of accountability.
"Speaking about accountability, I want to start with a clear statement: justice is the key expectation of Belarusians today. This is especially true for the hundreds of thousands of victims of crimes against humanity committed by Lukashenko’s regime. Recent studies by leading human rights organizations in Belarus confirm this conclusion", — stated Pavel Latushka during the discussion.
The Strategic Dialogue "Belarus–U.S." serves as a platform to maintain sustainable relations between Belarusian democratic forces and the U.S. government. It is a unique format for a strategic dialogue, as the participants are not representatives of Lukashenko’s regime but instead representatives of Belarusian democratic forces and civil society institutions. The Belarusian side is represented by the leader of the United Transitional Cabinet, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, members of the United Transitional Cabinet and Coordination Council, as well as civic initiatives.
Pavel Latushka emphasized: "Those guilty of crimes must be recognized as criminals, and victims must be acknowledged as such within the framework of a judicial process that adheres to the rule of law. Protecting victims’ rights requires a proactive, not passive, approach. The sooner Lukashenko and his accomplices are held accountable, the sooner a future will come for Belarus and Belarusians. Belarusians deserve justice, and helping to achieve it is within the power of the U.S. and other democratic nations".
Pavel Latushka also called on the U.S. to continue and intensify systemic sanctions against Lukashenko’s regime: "Lukashenko is not a politician who would willingly become a governor of a Russian region. At a critical moment, he will seek support. And that will be the time to dictate terms to him. Sanctions must only grow stronger until they reach a critical level and produce the necessary effect".