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Lukashenka decides to destroy the future elite of Belarus

What does it mean that the dictator intends to increase compulsory labor for state-funded students to 7 years and introduce labor for paid students?

The other day, the "honored teacher" of Belarus Lukashenka convened a large meeting on education issues. One of the topics discussed was the mandatory placement of students, including those who pay for their studies.

As if anticipating the alarming issue of professional outflow in Belarus, the dictator stated that the current periods of mandatory placement of students who graduate from universities are insufficient and need to be extended to 5 or even 7 years, not only for students who receive stipends from the state, but also for those who pay for the studies.

Echoing him, Education Minister, Mr. Ivanets, mentioned that this issue is under study and control, and changes have already been made to the Education Code. Both the dictator and the minister also claimed that there is no paid education in Belarus and that students in paid education study for minimal fees compared to the conditions in the West.

There is strong doubt that parents of students in Belarusian universities today share this opinion. It is well understood that the average salary in Belarus is far from the average salary in neighboring European countries like Poland and Lithuania, which are around 1,500 euros and 2,000 euros respectively.

However, the dictator and his minister justify the idea of introducing mandatory requirements for paid education.

For state-funded students, the current mandatory service of 2 years is planned to be increased to 7 years. This is explained by the fact that young specialists who complete their 2-year mandatory distribution often quit. Teachers and doctors are cited as examples, as they are under the dictator's control.

Let's consider how much young Belarusian secondary school teachers earn on average today. On average, they earn 450-650 rubles (200$ roughly) after tax per transaction. Do you have any further questions about the situation faced by young professionals?

Instead of creating normal, humane conditions with fair wages and opportunities for development, the dictator proposes to essentially make them slaves for 5-7 years.

It is evident that this proposal will not affect the children of officials and deputies, who often evade mandatory distribution without facing consequences. Those who can be returned will naturally use their connections to do so.

It is difficult to fathom the demotivating effect these plans have on future students and their parents. Some students have just started their academic year or have just entered their first year. However, anything can be expected from the regime, and the "Recommendations for changes to the Education Code" may well impact students who are already undergoing training.

So, how many students now decide to enroll in Belarusian universities? How many are considering withdrawing their applications?

Unfortunately, the answer can be predicted. This is the most terrible news for Belarus and its intellectual capital.

While some talented youth with language skills and financially capable parents may choose to study in Europe, what about the rest? I fear the answer is Russia. Over the years, Russia has been attracting intellectual capital from Belarus, and now, thanks to Lukashenka, this process can be put on a larger scale. This will result in the destruction of our elite and talented youth.

This is indeed destruction because what awaits Belarusian students in Russian universities? Russification, the influence of Russian propaganda, re-education, and the erasure of national identity.

I reiterate: Lukashenka's decision on mandatory distribution not only has short-term consequences but also leads to a disaster for our country in the medium term. With this decision, Lukashenka is not stopping the brain drain in Belarus but actually initiating the destruction of higher education and the future intellectual elite of the nation.

It does not matter whether he does this consciously or not; this is another example of how an inadequate dictator is dragging our country into the "Russian world" and depriving Belarus of its future.

What should we do?

This is a significant challenge for all of us. A lasting solution would be to eliminate the Lukashenka regime in Belarus. The majority of young people and their parents desire a decent future for their children and their country, and they wholeheartedly agree with this.

It is also a serious challenge for democratic forces and our partners. Regardless of whether this regime lasts for another year or more (less is better, of course), we need universities in Europe now more than ever.

We must and will fight for the youth, fight for our national elite, because national education and a national university are among the most important concerns for Belarus.

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