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Pavel Latushka adresses to the leaders of democratic countries

There is one man in Europe who has been in power even longer than Vladimir Putin. Alexander Lukashenko. There is one man in Europe who oppresses and torments his people even more than Putin. Alexander Lukashenko. There is one man in Europe, who managed to crush all the internal opposition to his dictatorial rule even more successfully than Putin. Alexander Lukashenko.

I appeal to Western leaders to apply the same standards of sanctions and accountability to Putin's only ally in this terrible war with Ukraine — Alexander Lukashenko. It is time to punish Putin's puppet. Hold him accountable for his crimes against the people of Belarus and the people of Ukraine.

I call on Western leaders to launch a criminal investigation into Alexander Lukashenko for the terror he has inflicted on the people of Belarus by torturing and harassing them, and the terror he has inflicted on the people of Ukraine by giving Belarusian territory to the Russian army to attack Ukraine.

Article by Pavel Latushka in the English edition of "The New European"

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