The Polish Sejm hosted a meeting on the "Belarusian issue" of the Presidium of the Commission on Foreign Affairs with the participation of representatives of the NAM. The meeting was attended by the chairman of the Commission Marek Kuchcinski, the Head of the NAM Pavel Latushka, the Head of the team of management lawyers Michail Kirylyuk, the NAM responsible for multilateral diplomacy Vladzimir Astapenka, one of the initiators of the legal conference in Nuremberg, Polish lawyer Tomasz Wilinski, as well as representatives from all leading political parties in Poland.
The NAM team presented in the Polish parliament a strategy of action in the international direction to accelerate the implementation by the illegitimate power of the three main and unchangeable demands of the Belarusian people:
Stop repression and violence, and investigate and prosecute those responsible for crimes against peaceful Belarusians;
Immediately release all political prisoners;
hold new, fair, free and transparent presidential elections with the participation of international observers.
Let us remind you of the priorities of our work these days:
non-recognition of Lukashenka and his government at the international level;
recognition of the regime as a terrorist organization;
bringing criminals against the Belarusian people to justice in the framework of universal jurisdiction and preparation of an international tribunal;
Depriving the dictatorship of its livelihood through domestic economic pressure and increased sanctions;
mobilization of the Belarusians — including in the context of the constitutional referendum, the ignoring of which by the democratic majority would be too generous a gift for Lukashenka.