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Belarusian people didn’t express their will on Lukashenka’s agreements with Russia

Pavel Latushka on the meeting of Putin and Lukashenka and the integration of Belarus and Russia

Firstly. We proceed from the fact that Lukashenka has lost his legitimacy since November 5, 2020, including the adoption of any international legal documents. In this regard, the agreements concluded by Lukashenka on 04.11.2021 with the Russian Federation are legally null and cannot be recognized.

Secondly. The source of power in Belarus is only the Belarusian people, who have the right to determine their fate through direct participation in decision-making or through the formation of representative bodies of power. Since there are no legitimate authorities and administration in Belarus, the Belarusian people did not express their will to conclude such agreements.

Thirdly. We proceed from the interest of the Belarusian society to maintain exclusively equal relations with all international partners.

Fourthly. The Russian Federation is making a strategic mistake by deepening its cooperation with a person who illegally retains power in Belarus, which inevitably worsens the Belarusian society’s assessment of the actions of the Russian authorities to conclude these bilateral agreements.

The main principle and unconditional priority for us is the preservation of the sovereignty and independence of Belarus on the basis of the exclusive right of Belarusians to decide their fate.


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