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Peacekeepers on the Border

Peacekeepers on the border with Belarus — what good is Zelensky's idea?

As a politician, I am in favor of any possible measures to prevent a new invasion of Ukraine and to stop strikes on the Ukrainian territory from the territory of our country. And that is why I fully support the idea of introducing peacekeepers on the border of Ukraine and Belarus.

At the same time, the position of the Lukashenko regime, which allegedly advocates peace and against which some kind of aggression from Ukraine and NATO is allegedly being prepared, sounds extremely hypocritical. If the Lukashenko regime is really for peace and if it really believes that it is being attacked from somewhere, it should be the first to support this initiative of the president of Ukraine.

So, does anyone still believe the words of the dictator about his desire for peace and any external threats to Belarus? The only real threat to our country is Russia, an occupying country. And it is Russia that dictates these false narratives to its puppet Lukashenko.

And by opposing the appearance of peacekeepers on the border, Lukashenko stresses once again that he is in fact not for peace, but for war, for the Russian occupation and for a new invasion of Ukraine from the Belarusan bridgehead.

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