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The territory of Belarus is used as a springboard for an attack on Ukraine

Lawyer of the NAM team Mikhail Kirilyuk on the air of the Ukrainian channel FreeDom

The new Constitution, which entered into force on March 15, was adopted at a "referendum", when rockets were flying from the territory of Belarus towards Ukraine. Thus, it was violated without being accepted. This Constitution has nothing to do with either democracy or the will of the Belarusian people.

The territory of Belarus is used as a springboard for an attack on Ukraine, the majority of Belarusians are against it. Many Belarusians fled after the repressions in 2020 to Ukraine. When the war started, they decided not to return to Belarus, because even the war in Ukraine is less dangerous for them than in Belarus.

All financial transactions that Russia cannot perform on its own, it can do through the controlled Lukashenka. In this regard, we once again focus on the need to introduce equal sanctions with Russia against the Lukashenka regime.


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