One year ago, on October 28, 2020, the National Anti-Crisis Management was founded. Belarusian professionals from different spheres — politics, economy, culture, marketing — united under Pavel Latushka to oppose the Lukashenka regime and prepare the country for the transition from dictatorship to democracy. So that all of us, as soon as possible, could build a New Belarus. A free Belarus. Democratic. Developing.
We, the NAM team, believe that given the ongoing crisis in our homeland, this anniversary is not something worth celebrating. And we sincerely hope that the NAM — in its current form as an organization — will not have a second birthday. That the victory over the regime will happen sooner, a legitimate democratic government will be established in the country, and we will be able to work for the benefit of the people as part of it.
Be that as it may, the birthday is an occasion to take some stock. In addition, one of the fundamental principles of the NAM’s work is transparency and accountability to the Belarusian society.
That’s why today we’re announcing a big stream, which will take place next week. The key members of the team, including the Head of the NAM Pavel Latushka, will conduct a "debriefing" on the work already done and the current work, try to look into the future and, most importantly, answer your most pressing questions.
Everyone will be able to join the meeting. We will share the details, including details about the venue, where translation will be held, in the next few days — stay tuned!
Thanks for being with us this year. Together we can do anything. Long Live Belarus!
With love for Belarus and faith in a speedy victory, your the NAM team.