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We need a new strategy

The deputy head of the NAM Vladzimir Astapenka took part in the discussion of the Expert Center "European Dialogue", devoted to the forthcoming Conference of Democratic Forces of Belarus

Despite repression, the protest against the dictatorship continues, while the international community has not come to terms with the situation in Belarus. This is a reason to continue the struggle, and it will be continued.

In this case, Belarus, unfortunately, finally lost its status as a donor of stability, but instead got the status of a co-congressor. The war and participation of the regime in it became key factors that have changed the balance of forces in the region and affect the processes in Belarus. And the path our country is following at the whim of the illegitimate authorities requires an open public discussion.

It is important to learn lessons from our mistakes, to critically analyze our actions, and to agree on a strategy of struggle for a democratic Belarus. This will require new organizational forms and new conceptual documents, it is necessary to consolidate all resources in order to become the most effective.

The area of the Conference will be open for all interested Belarusans — through broadcasts and inclusions, everyone will be able not only to watch the discussions, but also to ask questions. The Belarusian people really need this conference.

Full version of the discussion on the channel "OGP-TV"

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