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What is Lukashenko hiding?

Just like the media, statistics is a mirror of society. The first one was dealt with in Belarus loudly and demonstratively. The second sector was dealt with quietly and methodically, "caring" about the information "unnecessary" for the eyes of the citizens. They say, why do ordinary people need it? He has enough to worry about. The rest can be dealt with by "clever people".

As a result, in recent years, the Belarusians have gradually stopped learning:

  • official data on mortality in the country (especially from coronavirus);

  • statistics on exports and imports;

  • Customs statistics;

  • real figures on migration and employment, forced vacations and idle hours;

  • data on companies' debts;

  • budget execution statistics.

The exception so far is the data on inflation (the regime admitted that it had accelerated to 18%, which is three times higher than the level forecasted for 2022). The regime "tries" to "correct the situation" by increasing the wages, officially by 13%, which the Belarusians do not feel. The rise in prices "eats up" everything faster (because the real inflation is obviously higher than 18%).

And so it is with all the indicators that the regime announces. What does it mean and what is the risk?

  • It's illegal. State agencies are obliged to keep official data open, and this is stipulated in the Law on State Statistics;

  • The state system degrades itself. Officials without access to information have no understanding of the "real picture", which undermines the stability of the economy and social sphere;

  • The lack of data on COVID and other threats prevents the population from responding adequately to danger.

It is necessary to force the regime to report real statistics to the Belarusians. This is a question of the country's survival during one of the most difficult periods in history.

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