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What should be the National Commission for the Rehabilitation of the Repressed?

Protests in Belarus, 2020
Protests in Belarus, 2020 Source:

We share our vision and look forward to your ideas

When Lukashenka’s regime becomes a "turned page", all those who have suffered from his illegal actions during all these 27 years must be rehabilitated. This is even more than an act of justice. This is an important part of the foundation of the New Belarus.

The future rehabilitation will be the first large-scale and full-fledged (as opposed to attempts to rehabilitate victims of Stalinist repression) procedure of this kind in the history of independent Belarus. We not only have to build it with our own hands. We need people who will be the guarantors of this process. Arbitrators from the Belarusian society, whom it fully trusts.

Today we are starting a conversation about the National Commission for Rehabilitation, whose members, according to our Concept, will be authorized to consider the cases of victims of repression. The final decision on its composition and regulations will be possible only after the fall of the dictatorship, but we already have a definite vision. We want to share it with you, and besides, we are waiting for your ideas: in the comments, @NAUsupport chatbot and letters to

We have identified three main, in our opinion, issues regarding the Rehabilitation Commission:

  1. What functions should it perform?

  2. Who should be part of it?

  3. What principles should it be guided by?

You can find our thoughts on this in the cards. And we are looking forward to hear yours.

Rehabilitation of victims of political repression in Belarus

National Commission: how will it work?


According to our vision, the National Rehabilitation Commission will be empowered to:

  • consider statements of victims of repression on issues within its competence;

  • make decisions on the immediate release of those who have reason to be considered victims of repression;

  • initiate consideration of materials in relation to the repressed for the unconditional restoration of their, repressed, rights and legitimate interests;

  • organize the provision of material and other support to the repressed;

  • maintain a database of victims of repression;

  • inform citizens about rehabilitation issues.


Unfortunately, political repressions in Belarus are extremely diverse and harmed people in different ways: material, physical, moral. The National Commission should become a team capable of assessing the consequences of repression and the necessary support in each individual case, therefore, in our opinion, include itself at least:

  • legal experts;

  • economists;

  • doctors;

  • psychologists;

  • representatives of independent media and trade unions;

  • human rights defenders;

  • civil society representatives;

  • former political prisoners.


The rehabilitation process will not only help to restore justice, without which it is impossible to build a truly free country. It will prevent a repetition of what the regime has been doing all these years in the future. Therefore, we are confident that the Commission will have to strictly follow a number of principles — the principles of New Belarus, where law and democracy prevail.


Legality: decisions must be made only on the basis and in accordance with the Constitution and the law governing the procedure for rehabilitation, and can be appealed in court.

Publicity: meetings should be held openly, except in cases where the victim of repression objects to this or the protection of the rights and freedoms of minors is required.

Accountability: The Commission must, at least once every 6 months, publish a report on the work done and the decisions taken, as well as hold public hearings on its activities.

Collegiality: decisions must be taken by members of the Commission in an open vote by a simple majority of votes.



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